Create Rule
You can meet your confidentiality requirements by masking data in record consumption or ksqldb queries, and you can do that by creating data masking rules.
Data Masking rules support three types: Consumer Key
Consumer Value
KsqlDb Query
and the reason for this decision is to optimize the consumption of records by being able to
specify exactly what you want to mask and where.
Consumer Key Rule
Consumer Value Rule
KsqlDB Query Rule
Data Masking Rules
After creating data masking rules, you can list all rules available in Blazing KRaft.
Data Masking Actions
You can execute various actions on the data masking rules:
Delete Rule
Edit Rule
For blazingly fast access to rules, Blazing KRaft stores them in memory.
For this reason the data masking rules are only invalidated on a single instance, if you have scaled to more than one instance of Blazing KRaft, you'll need to restart them after creating, editing or deleting the rules.